Natural Rx: 5 Exciting Planet-Savers


Does the “big picture” on our planet ever make you suck in your breath… and not in a good way?

 It’s easy to grimace at our inconceivable amounts of garbage or shocking loss of glaciers, not to mention just how far the U.S. has to go to keep up with nearly two dozen “greener” countries (hint:  the top 10 most sustainable places are in Europe; the U.S. ranks 24th.) 

Yet, every day brings me more hope, especially when I turn to nature. Last week, I talked about the healing effects of trees and green space on people. But researchers are also leveraging the powers of flora and fauna to help remedy our impact on the planet

Here are 5 exciting planet-saving possibilities:

1.    Plastic-Eating Caterpillars

2.    Edible Seaweed Water Bottles.  

3.    Mushroom Packaging

4.    Cassava Root Un-Plastic Bags

5.    Fungi that Clean Up Toxic Soil.  

Plus, hats off to the thousands of inventors and entrepreneurs around the world who are creating amazing solutions like Solar-Powered RVs, Drain Pipe Netting, and Showers that Reuse Water

 We can’t all be scientists, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do our parts to foster a better world. Like Peace Pilgrim advised:

Live in the present. Do all the good you can each day. The future will unfold.”

For me, that means leading hikes, writing, making art, and sharing in ways that foster peace and connections within ourselves, our families and our Earth.

I’d love to hear: What does it mean for you? 



Pictures & Words: a photoplay collection


Natural Rx: the Healing Power of Being Outdoors