Wanderings & Ponderings

Many of us are searching these days. No matter our age, background, or beliefs, we just want to be happy! How can we do this in a constantly-connected yet lonely-and-divided world, where depression and anxiety are at an all-time high and where our planet is bearing the brunt of our humanity? My life, writing, art, and adventures are all an exploration of this question. So far, I’ve found it all starts with inner peace and outer connection. Simple, but definitely not easy. I hope you enjoy the tips, tools, and ideas I’m learning along the way. I’d love to hear some of yours!

Eye Roll & Awe, nature heals Merry Brennan Eye Roll & Awe, nature heals Merry Brennan

Don’t Just Hike: Go for a Plalk!

No, it’s not a new kind of stride or weird X Games challenge. Plalking is the trendy Swedish import of picking up litter while you walk. Garbage can be downright dangerous to animals and plants in the wild. So turning your hike into a plalk not only ups your exercise quotient, it also helps protect the natural world we love. Read more in my latest blog.

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