The Splendor (and Importance) of Dark Skies!

night sky Milky Way with quote

Who doesn’t love a sunset? Watching the center of our solar system descend in a blaze of color certainly stirs our senses. But this display is only half of our galaxy’s remarkable show. Do yourself a favor and find a dark night sky to fill your soul!

After the sun dips below the horizon, stars and planets peek out like diamonds on velvet. Their shimmers magnify our sense of harmony, our knowing that we are a tiny part of something much greater.

As with most of nature, the gifts of our real-life planetarium go beyond intangible feelings of wonder and peace. The nocturnal skyscape offers relief from light pollution, that ubiquitous bombardment of artificial light which scientists now know disrupts sleep, increases stress, and adds to chronic disease.

Constant synthetic brightness doesn’t only harm humans. A host of plants, birds, insects, and animals depend on the cycles of natural darkness. Sadly, they are threatened by light distress in nearly every place on earth.

This makes our moments under the stars even more important and precious. Spring is a magnificent season to appreciate the night sky, with darkness still falling relatively early and temperatures warming enough to sit outside without the summer humidity that often veils the view above.

It’s not easy to find truly dark skies. Visit to learn more about designated areas and what you can do to protect the night wherever you live!



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