Wanderings & Ponderings

Many of us are searching these days. No matter our age, background, or beliefs, we just want to be happy! How can we do this in a constantly-connected yet lonely-and-divided world, where depression and anxiety are at an all-time high and where our planet is bearing the brunt of our humanity? My life, writing, art, and adventures are all an exploration of this question. So far, I’ve found it all starts with inner peace and outer connection. Simple, but definitely not easy. I hope you enjoy the tips, tools, and ideas I’m learning along the way. I’d love to hear some of yours!

The Splendor (and Importance) of Dark Skies!

Who doesn’t love a sunset? Watching the center of our solar system descend in a blaze of color certainly stirs our senses. But this display is only half of our galaxy’s remarkable show. Do yourself a favor and find a dark night sky to fill your soul! Beyond intangible feelings of wonder and peace, dark skies offer relief from the bombardment of artificial light that scientists now know disrupts sleep, increases stress, and adds to chronic disease.

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Merry Brennan, Eye Roll & Awe, nature Merry Brennan Merry Brennan, Eye Roll & Awe, nature Merry Brennan

Spring’s Early Gift: Ephemeral Wildflowers!

Ephemeral may mean fleeting or short-lived, but when it comes to woodland wildflowers, it really should mean magical! By the time the tree canopy above fills with leaves, these native perennials have already produced their gorgeous flowers, dropped their seeds, then died back to spend the rest of their life cycles underground. Learn what to look for as these wondrous Spring treasures start to appear.

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10 Less Crowded National Parks as Road Trip Fever Heats Up

As spring fever heats up, you can bet that the National Parks will be a magnet for millions wanting to shed the COVID-and-weather-intense winter. But you can enjoy magnificent natural treasures without feeling like you are at Times Square on a pre-pandemic New Year’s Eve. Here are 10 destinations to fill your wanderlust without crowds.

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